We can conduct consultations in-person, via video chat or phone. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!


A Community Goat Fashion Show

to Benefit the FFA Chapters in Hays & Blanco Counties

Texas Hill Country is abuzz with anticipation for the upcoming Goat Couture™, the most baa-rilliant runway show to hit Hays County. The Law Office of Milena Christopher and LOOMC Charities, Inc. are proud to present this charitable goat fashion show.

Goat Couture™ will be held at Ranch Park in Dripping Springs

Saturday, September 9, 2023

10:00am - 3:30pm

Community Members can showcase their goat in creative couture and sashay the area to be a winner. This inaugural year aims to raise funds for the seven Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapters in Blanco and Hays counties.

Learn more on our blog.

Goat Couture™ 2023 is the first event of its kind to invite community members who have, or can borrow, a goat to dress up and sashay the arena at Ranch Park on Saturday, September 9, 2023. Unique and fanciful costume categories, goat games & entertainment, shopping, and more will make this a day to not miss. Read more.

Goat Couture™ 2023 is bound to attract a national audience of goat lovers, goat breeders, and travelers looking for an unexpected twist to their trip. We’re proud to be bringing such a festive event to the Texas Hill Country.

For more information on Goat Couture™, download the flyer.

Additional Entertainment

Goat Crafts

Goat Games

Photography Area



... and more!

Volunteer Today

Volunteers are needed for all sorts of baa-tastic roles to make Goat Couture™ a success. We’re looking for students needing volunteer hours, parents assisting them, community members, and more to take part in these different ways:

  • Registration Table
  • Set Up
  • Tear Down
  • Parking Lot Traffic Direction and Door Monitoring
  • Photographers
  • Videographers
  • Craft Table
  • Face Painting
  • Goat Trivia Event Monitoring
  • Stage Area Assistance
  • Goat Parade
  • Merchandise Sales
  • Goat Costume Wearer

Sign Up Today

Each volunteer gets free entry for themselves for the day and another ticket for a friend or family member.

Goat Couture™ 2023 needs the support of Texas Hill Country businesses to be the phenomenal success we’re preparing for. Your contribution will provide necessary support to event activities, reach our communities, and create a day to remember for everyone. Each sponsorship provides attractive recognition and visibility opportunities. Please sponsor today and help us raise funds for the FFA Chapters in Hays and Blanco Counties.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Submit your goat photo today to be included in our image gallery by posting on Facebook or emailing your photo.

For more information on this event, headline sponsored by LOOMC Charities, Inc., please email us. We respectfully request you not call our law office so we may continue to provide excellent service to our clients while our faithful marketing staff puts Goat Couture™ 2023 together.